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09 September 2010

la France oh la France !

bonjour là! (:
we're almost getting to the 2nd week of Raya Holidays already ! first & foremost, Selamat Hari Raya  !hmm, am pretty sure the Malays are busy with their preparations while the others are having a good time traveling around ? oh well lets take a look at mine !

i know trials is awaiting at the corner already, but nerd not me !

it was 2days back when everyone in the house were having a good sleep, daddy rang mom in the morning. he wanted to bring us up to StrawberryFarm @ GentingHighland ! oh you do know i love strawberries dont you ? so im the first one to jump of the bed, dashed to the toilet and get ready. daddy came home, picked us and the journey begins ! uhm, as usual i PIG in the car all the way up the hill. heh and by the time i woke up, i wasnt at the place im supposed to be. i see no Strawberries ! i see no farm ! in fact i saw France's flag ! accueillir ! ; which means welcome in french* very shocking indeed, disappointment floods me, drained me down in despair, i weep to myself silently. NOT ! nothing gets me down so easily (;

we went all they way up, to dine a 12-bucks-hairband !

nah, im just joking. french dont servee hairbands for meals ! the family loves to dine, any food will do as long as its edible .

introducing you ,
the one & only man
moving on to,
the spoiled one
the youngest brat
and last but not least
yours truly, x !

what do we have in the french village ? or what we Malaysians call, Bukit Tinggi .
acrobat show, dont ask me why there's chinese culture in a french village.
limonade rose ; must try !
spaghetti de carbonara
chocolat Vienne
artistic ceiling 


and unwanted shirt, LOL.

oh well, seen enough ? there's more entertainment at this place, eg the japanese house, rabbit farm and etc etc. im gonna leave out the rest for yourself to explore more! havent been to this place ? get a ride up there but one day trip will do because you can tour the whole place in just one day (:

ending this post with,
epic, yeah i know.

that sums it all up, appréciez lire !

dites merci et au revoir!

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