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31 March 2009

To annie. (est report)

Advantages and Disadvantages of using paper bags.

Paper bags have both advantages and disadvantages. Compared to plastic bags, paper bags have more advantages but lesser disadvantages. There's a few disadvantages of using paper bags for example, it has a low durability and resistance to water. It can be wet and torn easily. Hence, when the paper bag is wet it tears easily. Paper bags are able to hold up to a certain weight only. Putting too much weight on the paper bag might cause the whole paper bag to tear off. Paper bags can't last long unless it is used with care. Although nowadays paper bags are environmental friendly but most paper bag are still made of papers that are cut down from trees. As paper comes from trees, the process of converting it from logs to paper is tedious. It may use fossil fuels and other chemicals to convert it into papers. Therefore, the environment might be polluted due to the conversion of paper. Heating wood chips under pressure to make paper bags uses toxic chemicals which can lead to acid rain and water pollution too. These are the common disadvantages of using paper bags.

One of the main advantages of using paper bags is it is recyclable. It is recyclable and environmental friendly because it is made of paper. The 3R concept can be applied in using paper bags too. Paper bags can be reused and recycled. Normally paper bags come in four sizes ; extra small, small, medium and large. We can always reuse paper bags as gift bags, disposable garbage bags or even bring it to school to be used as a bag. By using paper bags, the usage of plastic bags can be reduced too. Paper bags don't cost much too if its ordered in bulk and high amount. Younger generations and mostly students like to use paper bags because there's nice decorations and patterns on the bags. We usually get paper bags when we go shopping and most stores use paper bags as the packaging for example famous brands like Roxy, Lewre and Padini.

>>> gie. est done ady. copy it from hereeeee. coz idk if msn send to you got any prob onot. got anything wana edit or change then tel me. i'll change it. :)

*** to annie. soreee for ze mistake! :p

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