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31 August 2008


Alaaahhh.... MCH... DAmnnnn  embarrassing man.. Today went to the palace of golden horses for hi-tea[merdeka ma].. There's all tiz stupid competitions where they organise... And i kena dragged into 1 of the game, TEH TARIK  COMPETITION. Walao.... The 1st person summore. Ok.Tats fine. So there's tiz master of teh tarik demonstrate 1st. Then the spokesman called out my name. ok. tHIS IS IT. So I poured the jug of teh tarik into another. Everything was fine until my hand shook and the teh tarik poured out. Walao... the person made me turn around with the teh tarik too. And worse to worst the whole teh terik poured onto the floor. Alamak. I feel like digging a BIG HOLE and bury myself into it! WTF! So not the kind of Merdeka day i wana have.

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