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25 November 2012

11months !

Bf got injured from basketball. Being an obedient and caring girl i babysit him the whole day. :d haha, hopes he recovers soon !

Naughty boy turning 19 soon ! *excites*

03 November 2012


; happybirthday my one and only Ms.Tee

Have fun throughout your day and counting down with you till mr.choong comes back okay ! :)


01 November 2012

Strippppppppp !

Bonjour ! Ca va bien ?
im like a dead fish nao -_- i hate falling sick, it takes ages for me to recover and i have so many deadlines to meet ! D: *emonemo* anyways, had a first hand experience yesterday. went to Sunway Pyramid to claim my birthday present w the two girls. 

ahem* so we made our appointment at Strip. and i assume ya all know wht im talking about -_- alil awkward and all so i will leave you guys to find out what Strip does ok ! 

they are currently having a promo now, and all you need to do is sit next to the hairy monkey outside Strip and snap a pic. After that, upload it onto your timeline and tag StripKL ! you will get a 20% off for your treatment the next time and remember to show them you have tagged the picture on your fb account !

- just like this ! :) fast & easy. 

it was quite an interesting experience, and definitely a must try if you havent done it ! :D thankyou again, anni for the such a thoughtful yet special present lol ! 
                              Photo: ‎Thankyou 󾌡 for the special experience & birthday present ! Haha @anniptai‎

for more info, visit , or call 03-2283 6092
make sure you have made an appointment before visiting!*
