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18 July 2010



I love to touch my MOM'S HEART (:

why say so ? IT MAKES SENSE, IM SERIOUS. in order to get my hands on those TouchScreenPhones, the very first obstacle i have to get through is MY MOM. you know, parents nowadays are those youngster's 'portable bank' . you get what i mean. i have to act like Mommy's Girl. CLEAN THE HOUSE, COOK THE MEAL, WASH THE CAR, ETC ETC so that she'll grant me my TINY LIL WISH. without them, we couldnt live a day any longer especially when we head to the mall with BIG HUGE BANNER'S PRINTED ' HOT CRAZY SALES ' well, i aint talking bout clothes & fashion accessories only. GADGETS & ELECTRONICS CAN BE ON SALES TOO (: yeah those shopaholics out there knows it all .

just like Isla Fisher in the confession of a shopaholic. CONFESSION OF A TECH-A-HOLIC perhaps ?


simply because with the high technology in this 21st century and smart ass ppl who can turn something as simple as dialing the keypad to make a phone call into something totally different and appealing from every aspect. SIMPLIFYING IT, a phone which DOES-IT-ALL.

eg. IPHONE by Steve Jobs.

this is the IT PHONE, everyone longs for this piece of metal, yeah i meant EVERYONE ; babies included. who knows SteveJobs will create an IBabyPhone soon ? baby needs touch screen phones more than we do because they still have tiny lil fingers and they dont have enough strength to PRESS THE KEYPAD :D
I THINK IM DRAGGING THINGS ALIL TOO FAR ? lets get back to the main poinnt.

The reason why i LOVE touch screen phones is ;

im using iphone myself, so i have to say Apple's apps store is simply INCREDIBLE.
you can get yourself connected to which ever website and social networks you want.
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • MSN
  • Tumblr
  • Blogspot
  • Foursquare
and the list goes on ... on the other hand, you can also enjoy yourself by playing games.
The phone can get you stuck in the same position with its addictive games where you try to beat the high score.

EG ; milk the cow. YEAH YOU HAVE TO MILK IT LIKE RUB RUB RUB RUB :D LOL isnt it awesome ? this isnt the only game, there's also PEE-ING game, SHITTING GAME and many many more. i seriously couldnt list it all out and talk bout it all. if i were to do so my blogpost would be endless.

Frankly, Touch Screen Phones are more like an entertainment phone rather than a practical one. But TSP makes us human look so cool because we dont need to freaking PRESS THE BUTTONS WHICH SOMETIMES CAUSES TYPO ERROR. haha, agree much ?

well, thats about it, if i were to continue writing this post, it would be endless (: now you know why TouchScreenPhones are ideal phones ! GO GET YOURSELF ONE NOW IF YOU DONT HAVE. doesnt have to be Iphone. Sony Ericsson, LG, Samsung and many more brands are producing nice yet affordable TouchScreenPhones.

Just Like

09 July 2010

Twenty10 ; picture perfect memories.

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Twenty10 ; picture perfect memories.

January ;
  • back to school, SeniorYear !
  • selected as CHEER CAPTAIN ; RED HOUSE 2010
  • celebrated our all mighty Joee's 17th ! (:
  • Intervensi 1
February ;
  • VI treasure hunt
  • celebrated ChinseNewYear with family & friends (:
  • Benjamin's 17th.
March ;
  • celebrated Venna's <3 17th
  • a tour to Taylors Lakeside UniCol
  • SPORTS DAY, i ran & danced. and my cheersquad achieved secondplace :D
  • celebrated WingSing's 17th !
  • KL TOWERTHON was awesome ? yeah running kltower's staircase aint easy
  • Diagnostic Test
  • Mommy & Grannypie's Big Day 
April ;
  • my Swift was brought homee (:
  • Basketball Zon Bangsar
  • my Funding Project!
May ;
  • Larian Bombaaa
  • Class photography session
  • Youth '10
June ; 
  • School Holidays ! PD trip with Loves,xx.
  • College In One Day experience was the Bomb
  • hangout sessions with Frieendss <33
  • Larian Saujana
well, whaaat a productive year ! beingg a senior mar, no choice lar. HAHA. after spending the first half of my year with activities & outings i do think its time for me to settle down and do some serious business here.  SPM is like in a month time ? im not Exaggerating kay. Lets see, deduct the time of sleeping, eating, shower, shitting, slacking, fb-ing and all other tons of rubbish things. I ONLY HAVE 1MONTH LEFT TO GET MYSELF PREPARED FOR SPM. what are you waiting for LENWAIMAN. yeah its time to wake up and stop all the nonesense already, or else imma gonna regret hell alot when i return to school for my result. wouldnt wanna disappoint myself & also my parents.

time to go, x

greetings, xx.

heyy there. today's 9th of July already ? time flies.

well, as you can see i've changed my blog's layout. im tryingg very hard to regain my blogging mojo, which apparently isnt back yet. soooo, nevermind. i hope there's still someone out there reading my blog ): because my blog's statistics are so freaking darn low. 

might edit this post with pictures and a brief description of what ive done throughout the past halfyear. (:

yourstruly, waimanlen.