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14 March 2012


Wednesday, 14/3/12 ; Living Room. just got myself a double eyelid tape earlier. couldnt figure out how to use it so i started google-ing to see how it works. and out of the blue i came across this article. erm, a blog post actually. 

--> you can go on and read this whole page full of words saying how desperate asian girls are trying to enlarge their eyes. 

Fact: Asian women think that their eyes are ugly. They will go to many lengths to change the appearance of their eyes, from high-maintenance temporary alterations to more expensive and permanent options. So much so, that every Asian person has at least one sister, mother, aunt, grandmother, or friend who has tried to change their eyes. 

okay, first of all its not a fact that asian women THINK that our eyes are UGLY. every girl on this entire planet earth would do every single possible thing to look pretty and perfect. IF ITS A FACT ASIAN GIRLS THINK THEIR EYES ARE UGLY THEN IT IS A FREAKING FACT THAT WHITE GIRLS THINK THAT THEIR BOOBS ARE TINY AS AN ORANGE. AND HENCE, EVERY WHITE PERSON HAS AT LEAST a dozen of sister, mother, aunt, grandmother, or friend who has tried to change their BOOBIES. true, no ?

The most common things Asian women change are their “lids.” Asian eyelids usually have a single fold (otherwise known as a monolid), whereas Caucasian eyelids have “double folds.” It is this “double fold” that Asian women spend most their lives coveting 


Does eye enlargement sound ridiculously strange to you, or are you a woman who finds this so appealing that you have to try it right now? Check out the Youtube video below. As asian women approach their 20′s or their high school/college graduations, they opt for plastic surgery so that they don’t have to use glue or tape everyday. Double Eyelid Surgery is probably the most common plastic surgery for Asian women for this reason. 

white women opt for boob job, nose job, butt job, botox, lip job & every other job they can other than job that can enlarge their eyes. LOL GETTING A KNIFE INTO YOUR EYELIDS TO CREATE AN EXTRA CREASE IS MORE RIDICULOUS THAN STUFFING JELLIES INTO YR ORIGINAL BOOBS ? oh yes, youre so damn right.

So why do asian women spend so much time and money trying to change their eyes? Somewhere along the way, they were given the message that Caucasian is what’s normal, and that it is preferable to have more White features. Flip through an Asian beauty or fashion magazine and if you look closely, the majority of models have done something to their eyes or noses to make them look more White. 

HAHAH, funny. NO and NO and NO. a sense of admiration and adore to the whites is wrong ? cmon, why WHITE people go sun tanning and all that ? yeah cos some freaking along the way you were given the message that ASIANS have tan skin tones and the all mights WHITES would like to turn TANNED. 

White beauty standards put pressure on Asian women even when they’re in their home countries(which is sad and doesn’t make much sense). For you Asian-American women who read beauty mags and never understand the part where they say “apply eyeshadow to the crease” – I suggest you check out the book Asian Faces where you can learn makeup techniques that show, not hide, your differences. Until then, there is no denying that Asians love to make their eyes look bigger. 

OKAY THIS LAST PARAGRAPH IS TOTAL BULLSHIT. we are who we are. we live in our home country, live in our trend. A TREND IS A TREND, in modern days everyone in the world has their own freedom to choose HOW,WHAT & WHY they want to look like they way desire. if everyone in the world is happy with their appearance, so satisfied & happy enough to SHOW the differences instead of hiding then oh well plastic surgeons i guess you need to be CRYING-OUT-LOUD cos soon enough nobody will approach you to get their physical appearances modified and you need to search for a new job ASAP ! different countries, different regions, different cultures, different trends. no one can ever sceptically judge anyone under any circumstances unless youre just jealous or envy that others can do something that you yourself are capable of naturally (for instance having a double eyelid & monolid at the same time & sadly those with double, tripleeyelids cannot get a monolid #HAHA). /floor  #Y U NO THINK BEFORE YOU SAY ? /nobigdeal its okay.

FUNNY, NO ? /dignose

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